Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Winter Wonderland

Winter has surely arrived. Couldn't run yesterday because the plows hadn't come through in the morning, so I wanted to try today. It was the first morning of the year with single digit temperatures and wind chills well below freezing--Arizona in two weeks is looking better and better! I felt like a toddler getting ready to go out--luckily I didn't have to go to the bathroom (like a real toddler) after I was totally dressed. It doesn't feel too bad it you have the right clothes on and some hand warmers in your gloves. I even got to try out my new running shoes--they are gore tex to keep my feet dry and have a lot of extra traction on the bottom to help grip the snow. Looking at them, you'd think they were heavy and feel more like hiking boots, but they felt pretty good wearing them. They go high over the ankle, so I had some chafing. Body Glide will take care of that though.

Off to my herceptin treatment. This should make it the last of 2009--and 4 months down with 8 to go. Billy is home and has offered to come with me, as long as it came with a promise of lunch.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

A Merry Christmas

The Christmas weekend is almost over and a fun--and busy--time was had by all. Billy got home Tuesday night and Lauren and family Wednesday afternoon. It's been a long time since we've had such a full house. Tommy has grown so big--and is so heavy! He is all over the place. He can crawl fast and has discovered stairs. Going up isn't so hard; going down on his own is not pretty. He certainly is cute though!

With all the family activities, we were certainly busy. I did stay constant and got my running in--10 miles each morning. And a good thing too with all the food that has been around. Today was raining and 40 degrees--not a usual late December day. We ended up with a green Christmas. I certainly don't mind--it keeps the roads clear.

Lauren leaves tomorrow morning. It will certainly seem quiet after that. You forget how much work it is to have a 7 month old in the house. Billy is here for another week. We'll get back into our routine tomorrow though.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Semester Ends!

I can finally breathe! I have posted my grades, so am (almost) officially done for the semester. The last 3 weeks become pretty intense with teaching, grading (and grading and grading and grading), and all the other committee and miscellaneous work of the department. I miss the classes, but it feels good to get everything in. The only structure I make sure I have during this time, other than work, is running. The good thing about going out so early in the morning is that nothing can get scheduled during that time (I doubt anyone else wants 5:00 a.m. meetings!).

Now to focus on Christmas. All the kids will be home by Wednesday night, so we have lots to look forward to. Hopefully Lauren and Andy have been able to dig out of the storm and they can be on their way Wednesday morning. For once it was nice to read about someone else having snow. It looks like we'll have a green Christmas, which is fine with me!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Buffalo Lockjaw

Not a great book, but a great description of what we all look like when outside in the cold and wind! I decided I'd had enough of the treadmill, so took to the outdoors this morning. I only meant to go 5 miles--it was 16 degrees with 20-30 mph winds and snow covered roads, but once I got out, it was too freeing to stop. If you dress correctly, once your face goes numb the cold isn't too bad. The hardest part is when a gust of wind comes and you are running in place.

These roads are not for amateurs, or anyone with screws and rods in their leg (Bob). You have to be careful about the type of snow you are running on--and a shot of bare pavement does not always mean safety. You also have to take turns very wide. Trust me, I've made all the rookie mistakes--even when not a rookie--and have had the scrapes and bruises to show for it. Luckily, I've never broken any bones, which is more than I can say for others I know.

Hopefully we're at the tail end of the lousy weather and the roads will be clear for the weekend!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Passed the test, but how can you run in this?

I had a muga scan this week and passed it with flying colors. My heart efficiency popped back to almost pre-herceptin levels. I may not be able to come back to the states from Canada, but I can run to my heart's content again. The problem is, the weather this week hasn't been very kind to my training. Sixty mph winds with driving rain, sleet and then whiteout snow doesn't make it easy. I have gone to the gym and tried to do the treadmill. For whatever reason, I find it excruciating. I did an hour yesterday, but only 35 min. today. Then I have to jump off and head for the bicycle. As long as I can read, I can ride the indoor bike. I just bring my newspaper and ride. Today though, that wasn't even an option. I knew that, unless I wanted to be on the road for hours, I would have to leave for work early--so I cut my workout short.

It's always an adventure in this weather. Yesterday I had class in the basement of our building. Because we had every type of weather imaginable, including lightening, the power went out. It was pitch black and suddenly all these cell phones were opened up. (I never would have thought of that!) The power was out for a half hour, and it was too dark to even move until the emergency lights went on in the hall. Today, all the schools locally were closed for the storm. I worry about my students driving in it. They're not very experienced drivers, and I know how I wouldn't let my own kids take my car in this weather when they were 19-20 years old. Most of them made it to class this morning though; probably because it was the last day of classes.

Monday, December 7, 2009

This and That

Bob had his second cataract surgery today. He can see distance very clearly, but reading will be a challenge for the next couple weeks until he can get new glasses. He's worn glasses since he was a little kid, so it is new for him. When the kids were little and they'd grab his glasses and pull them off, they'd would run off screaming because daddy disappeared and was replaced by this scary man. Hope they don't all run off crying when they come home for Christmas! :)

Our long run Saturday was through Forest Lawn. We'd gotten a little snow and ice, so it was a a bit of a challenge, but it's probably the last run together for the winter. Bob has a lot of hardware in one leg, so he has to be very careful when it snows. Towards the end of the run, a race through the cemetery started. We got out of the way.

The bad weather is to start this week--45 mph winds and rain, sleet and snow. We've been lucky so far. You knew it couldn't last forever. Last week of classes and we've only had 6 inches of snow until tonight.

Off to the doctor tomorrow for a new muga scan. I hope the results are improved so I can resume treatment. Don't know where we go if it hasn't improved. These treatments are really important in keeping the cancer at bay.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

So Over Winter

Winter has finally arrived in WNY; I am officially ready for spring! We had two snowfalls this week and the temperatures have turned sharply colder. We knew it was coming, but it is still a shock to my system at least. Now the running gets harder--not only cold and wind to deal with, but slippery roads most days. I also have to alter my routes, since the sidewalks are generally covered with snow and ice. In this weather I am usually cold all the time, but somehow I can shut off that part of my brain when I run. I put little heat warmers in my gloves to keep my hands warm and the rest of me seems not to feel the cold so much. As soon as I stop running though, I get very cold again.

One more week of classes to go for this semester so it means only one thing--grading--morning, noon and night. How fast this semester has gone.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Today was the official unveiling of my head (hair) at school. I wasn't sure the students would recognize me--none of them this semester had seen me without my hat. No one seemed thrown, though several mentioned it.

Hair re-growth is an interesting thing. Last time it grew back, it was pure white and tight, tiny springs (ringlets). It looked much fuller. This time it grew back very straight and baby fine. It reminded me of Billy's short hair when he was about 3 years old. It doesn't fill in nearly as well; I've had to work hard to get it to curl some to give it body. It was a mixture of brown and white though. I'm not sure what accounts for the changes.

First day of December and the first day of snow for the year. There was about 4 inches of wet snow on the ground this morning, so I wimped out and went to the gym where I cycled. I just can't get on the treadmill. I feel the worst day outside is better than the best day inside on a treadmill. Oh well, my body probably needed the break.