We're leaving for San Diego bright and early tomorrow morning. This is when all my neuroses kick in! Have I trained enough? too much? have I tapered enough? am I still in good enough shape? will my heart hold up? (I guess that's my biggest worry.)
How will my pace be? I know there will be 25,000 runners, so it will be hard to get any speed and it will mean an even slower time then I could run. That makes me crazy, but I have to remember I am out there to enjoy myself and finish--I need to be happy I can finish, even if it's a 4 1/2 hour marathon. My big mistake was looking up the Boston Marathon qualifying time--4:05. I know I could make it if there wasn't such a crowd. Why do I care though; I have no intention of running Boston again. I'm supposed to run very easy and keep my heart rate down, but I know people expect more--but why do I care? (See, I have a lot of neuroses at this point!!!)
It could be worse--I could have unplugged the computer before the end of the MCAT test! Now that is stress! Billy is so much more calm then me (and just about anyone I know!).
It could be worse--the umpire just robbed the Tiger pitcher of a perfect game. Unbelievable!
None of my kids will be there, but mom, dad, and a couple of my sisters will be there. I got a nice goody bag from Roswell Park Cancer Institute with shirts for Bob and me and 4 shirts for spectators, plus signs and a couple noise makers--they better use those early; after 20 miles I am focused on just finishing and don't want talking and noise. The closest thing I can liken the last few miles of a marathon is childbirth--only because after my first marathon, I told someone I hadn't felt that bad since childbirth. Independently, Bob said he hadn't seen me so cranky since childbirth--so I guess that's the closest analogy. We'll see what happens here.
Keep me in mind on Sunday. The race starts at 6:15 a.m. pacific time (9:15 eastern). I don't expect to get over the starting line until 7:00 or so. We're in corrals based on our estimated finish time, so I'm way back. If I'm not done by noon (3:00 p.m. eastern time), I'm guessing there was trouble.
My biggest and most important triumph has already happened--I raised $6400 for my doctor's research, which she has already started. It's important research and will improve the quality of life for many women.