Thursday, May 6, 2010


One month to marathon day! I feel like I'm ready. I had to cancel my stress test tomorrow. We're heading out early to Maryland instead. It's always such a quick weekend that I like to get there as early as possible. And it's important we are there for Tommy's 1st birthday. It may be the only birthday for a few years that we get to be part of. They couldn't reschedule the stress test until after the marathon, so I don't see much sense in rescheduling it. As Bob asked though--what would I do if they told me it was inadvisable to run the marathon. I would probably run it anyway. I'm this close to it and I've already done 2 20 milers.

It will be fun getting in a long run on the Bethesda-DC path. I love running there. (I just love it there, period.) The only downside is that I have three big bags full of papers/projects to grade. At least it's a long drive where I can get a lot done. Next Wed/Thursday we're driving to Michigan and back to go to a Yankees-Tigers game, so I'll have time to grade then too.

Last day of classes today. Can't believe we're really coming to the end of the semester. It's really gone by fast. This is the fun time of year. I got to go to the athletic banquet honoring scholar-athletes and seniors (I'm on the athletic board for the college). I've also been to the Honor's Convocations and Who's Who ceremonies with students--I love when they ask me to come. I was also given a faculty appreciation award from one of my students--such an honor. Now my student teacher is winning one of the top student teaching awards, plus I get to hood all the masters degree candidates in our department at graduation next Saturday. So much excitement this time of year. It's so rewarding seeing the kiddos do so well. There is so much growth from the time they enter until the time they graduate.

1 comment:

  1. You must be hooding's a great time of the year minus the grading. Makes me miss the students who definitely keep you thinking about things in a different way. Hope the B'day was fun!
