Thursday, May 27, 2010

I had some explaining to do!

I had my second to last herceptin treatment yesterday. First I had to see the doctor and explain why she didn't have the results of my stress test. I had to explain my grandson's 1st birthday party was a higher priority. Not really a good explanation for a doctor, but she understood. She was going to have to explain it to the cardiologist though--he was not going to be happy!

We leave for San Diego a week from today. Looking at the weather there, it's going to be a lot cooler than in Buffalo. The Buffalo marathon is this weekend, and it's supposed to be over 80 degrees. That is mighty warm for a marathon. At this point, it's only supposed to be in the 60s in San Diego--perfect for me!

I'm supposed to be cutting my mileage, but I'm not doing too well. I did a 15 miler today. I'm afraid of losing my conditioning if I back off too much.

It's been absolutely beautiful Buffalo weather this week--mid to upper 80s all week. I think it's been better then any week we had last summer when it rarely stopped raining. I've loved having my bike out. I've been riding everywhere. Last summer I rarely rode because I was doing chemo. It feels good to air it out and have the breeze blowing through you. It really is nice to be healthy this year, and I feel like I'm in such good shape.


  1. You've got the weather right for San Diego and I think that is a bit unusual for this time of the year so I'd take it as a sign you are supposed to run this race! We didn't have a day in the 90's for the whole month of May which has not occurred here since sometime in the 70's. That's what happens when those east coast people move into a town...they bring years of frigid weather and it cools things down considerably. Enjoy the race and enjoy your life (as you do)each day! Tom is so cute!

  2. I forgot to YAHOO to only one more herceptin treatment! I'll keep my fingers crossed all goes smoothly and the last one is on schedule for you!
